Sunday, October 21, 2012

Remembering my Dad

In two weeks my Dad will have been gone 2 years.

 But unlike most other people, I reflect on odd facts that connect my dad and I.

My parents got married when they were both 18 years old. 

They had to get permission from their parents.  

They did so by telling their respective families that my mother was with child.

2 Years later I was born.

 Many years have passed since then.

2 years after his death my first child has come into the world.

My dad would be 76.

I turned 18 in 76.

I know it is probably silly to look at things this way, but I have another wrinkle to add to this post.

I got married prior to my first child.

I was told when I was in my 30s that I could not produce a child.

I am , nevertheless, a proud new father.

Thanks Dad... I think..

That's all for now...Go forth and do well.


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