Monday, August 11, 2014

Great Actor Comedian Robin Williams Dead at 63

I probably have a weird bucket list.  It Included meeting Robin Williams.  Now it will never be accomplished.


In 1977 I was in the Army stationed in Germany.  I had a reputation of being very weird when I was of duty.  I soon found out that there was a TV Show called "Mork and Mindy" that had an actor who acted just like me.

I would constantly get "That guy acts like you comments" from my peers.

But it wasn't until 1979 that I saw him in action.

Unlike many others I understood where the insanity came from.

Sadly, that insanity got the better of him.  

I understand more than most who the expectation that some people have to make them laugh.

Sadly he is now gone.

I say, like his family, let us enjoy is body of work and not focus how he died.

In that vein I am sharing this link to His first appearance on the Carson show:

See you in the movies Robin.

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