Monday, August 18, 2014

My Favorite Fighter Planes of World War 2


P-38 Lightning 

P-51 Mustang

Mustang and Lightning showing off for the new kid on the block


P-82 Double Mustang


P-40 Warhawk


Monday, August 11, 2014

Great Actor Comedian Robin Williams Dead at 63

I probably have a weird bucket list.  It Included meeting Robin Williams.  Now it will never be accomplished.


In 1977 I was in the Army stationed in Germany.  I had a reputation of being very weird when I was of duty.  I soon found out that there was a TV Show called "Mork and Mindy" that had an actor who acted just like me.

I would constantly get "That guy acts like you comments" from my peers.

But it wasn't until 1979 that I saw him in action.

Unlike many others I understood where the insanity came from.

Sadly, that insanity got the better of him.  

I understand more than most who the expectation that some people have to make them laugh.

Sadly he is now gone.

I say, like his family, let us enjoy is body of work and not focus how he died.

In that vein I am sharing this link to His first appearance on the Carson show:

See you in the movies Robin.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Recommend streaming services online

Steaming movies is the way to go

Here are my affordable recommendations.

Warner Instant
9.99 a month.  2 Week Free trialWarner Instant

Hulu Plus
7.99 a month

Toddler Breaks out of the Playroom

Last night my daughter busted out of playroom and started running up and down the hallway.  It is not the first time.

It is actually her third time.

The First time she fell down with the gate.

The second time she broke it. So we got a new one.

This last time she just took a running start and pushed it down

The attached link shows you the gate she broke

I shored up the new Evenflow gate with a plastic gate we had in front of it which is held in place by my heavy tool box.
Prosecution Exhibit 1- the Broken Gate LOL

So here is my song of the day:  Jail Break by Thin Lizzy

To Be Continued.....


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Group Propose Radical Changes to Div. 1 Soccer


July 28th, 2014 

Today Steven Goff (The Washington Post) reported that a Division 1 Soccer Coaches Committee is proposing changing their schedule.

In my opinion it is about time they did.

Now this may be sparked by the fact the U.S. didn't win the recent World Cup.  

It might even be that College Soccer can't compete with College Basketball and Football for crowds in the fall.

A longer Schedule does the following:

  • Less competition from other College Sports at Tournament time.
  • More in line with High School and Youth Soccer schedules.
  • More in line with Professional Soccer's schedules. 
  • Opens up play for The cold weather states of the north.
  • More in line with when the World Cup is played.

The point I am making is that, like other College and Pro sports, Soccer should be played at the same time for all levels.  

Even if College leads into to Pro, it still benefits Soccer as a whole.

Hopefully the NCAA will see it the same way.
Here are the current and proposed schedules


Sep to Nov1st Half of Season (13 games)
Nov to FebWinter Break
FebSpring Camp (includes 1 Exhibition game)
Mar to Apr2nd Half of Season (9) games
Apr-MayConference Tournaments
May to Jun?NCAA Tournaments

If you would like to read the original article, here is the link 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Vet wait times was an issue in 1993

Found Letter Reminds this Vet that VA Hospital Wait Times are Always a problem.

I recently lost my job.  

Ironically it was for going to the VA ER with a serious medical problem.  But that is another story.

I sat down last week and pulled out my old resumes.  

I found something that should have not been in there:  

An old letter from the Late Senator Paul Wellstone dated July 26th, 1993 regarding Veterans Administration Health Care as it related to his National Healthcare Reform.

In 1993 I was The State Legislative Director for AMVETS (a National Veteran's group who covers all veterans). One of the things I was working on was Healthcare reform with Senator Wellstone. The letter in question was regarding concerns that The Minnesota Veterans Service Groups had in relationship to his plan and problems with the VA.

One statement, in particular, really jarred my memory:

"Veterans want to see improvement in the timeliness, effectiveness and quality of the adjudication and appeals process for veterans' claims for service-connected disability compensation and other benefits."

In 1993 that was an understatement.  Many veterans were denied care that would not be denied now.  The VA cares for a great deal more Veterans than it did in 1993.

So wait times that we were arguing about over 20 years later have only become far worse.

The only difference is now that we can actually track the people who die awaiting care.

I don't think I need say more.
